Saturday, March 1, 2008

Not all sweetness and light

March 1, 2008: According to several reporters, the reality of the situation in N'Djaména and the country is the worst it has ever been in living memory. We hear that Sudanese mercenaries, unwelcome in their home country because of their stand against the Sudanese government, fought to assist the Chadian government to stay in power. Ever since they succeeded in pushing the rebels against the Chadian government away, they have been pillaging the homes of innocent civilians. They have also been raping women and girls in their homes with impunity.
The government has also expressed its intention to evict everyone from the Diguel and Gardolé quarters (neighborhoods) in N'Djaména, for their presumed support of the Sudanese government.
These post-battle disasters are leaving ordinary Chadians everywhere in an uproar. Please pray that the pillaging and raping of the innocent would stop, and that peace can be found between the people and their government once again.

For more information:
N'Djaména, ville prison ou ville ou pillulent des prédateurs?
Peuple tchadien, ta lutte est juste

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